Why Design Shouldn’t be Complicated

Jone' Williams
2 min readNov 8, 2020

Some designers find it very difficult to begin the design. Why is that so? I mean, the steps are lined out directly for UX Design — so why would one find it difficult?


From my experience, I believe the best way to keep it simple is to not overthink because once you begin that you head down the rabbitt hole, and the more muddled it becomes. Here, less is more but it doesn’t mean simple is less — you need to know the threshold of where everything meets and develops into being just enough.

Start with a single idea (rather than two, five, or one-hundred). Provide the user something tangible, interesting, and effective so that the user can make their own opinion on whether they will or will not like it.

Let’s say you have created this awesome app that promotes self-love and awareness. All the bugs have been fixed and the kinks worked out and off your app goes out into the universe to be downloaded. Here comes a user and they download it all excited because they read the reviews and overall they were pretty solid. So they open the app once the download is complete and BAM — you are asking for their credit card at that point. What the hell do you expect them to do now?

They haven’t been able to even experience your app — you stopped them cold by requesting their credit card info upfront without warning. You didn’t even offer them a free trial period (with the option to cancel), which MAY have made them more apt to use your app. But you didn’t, so what do you think they do now? DELETE YOUR APP! I could be wrong about multiple users, but this is what I do.

Another thing that I see in design fails is when the app wants you to perform a pretty straightforward task, but they take the long way around when they could have placed a simple button the says “Click Here”. We have to be very black and white as designers. Users want to make one choice and they want it to be simple. If you provide information overload — people generally won’t use your app. There are a ton of other apps that they can achieve a goal in one or two clicks rather than the four or five that your app has them going through. You have to realize — 1)people don’t want to spend a lot of time on a task 2)People aren’t that patient 3)most people aren’t even loyal.

We have to have a core idea, be clear, remain consistent, and provide clear transitions for our users



Jone' Williams

I am a UX/UI Designer and Researcher, eager and excited to find a wonderful company to call my new home!